1. The size of the volume is different: the outdoor sanitation trash can mostly adopt the large trash can of 120L or 240L, and the small trash can of 20L trash can/40L trash can/60L trash can in households;
2. Different garbage classification: outdoor sanitation garbage bins require four-color classification garbage bins, namely: recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous garbage and other garbage. Household garbage bins only need to be classified into dry and wet, namely: Perishable garbage and other garbage;
3. Different materials for trash cans: most outdoor sanitation classification trash cans use plastic trash cans and galvanized sheet trash cans, while household classification trash cans are small in size, easy to process, and have a large expandable space. Therefore, there are more materials for household trash cans. For example: plastic trash can, stainless steel trash can, smart trash can, etc.;
4. Customer groups are different: outdoor sanitation trash cans are mainly purchased by organizations such as sanitation, street, business, and property, while those who purchase household classified trash cans are generally individuals.